Advocacy for NAMI covers many areas, such as education, providing support, and fighting stigma. This section of our Web site deals with two distinct areas where NAMI advocates can make a difference. Those areas are helping to change and improve the system for those affected by mentally health illnesses and their families. NAMI has a board member assigned to public policy and advocacy.
Advocacy – Improving the System
To learn more about the public policy issues that affect persons affected with mental health illnesses and their loved ones, and how NAMI is providing a strong voice on these issues, visit the following sections:
- Michigan Partners for Parity – It’s a coalition, read more from this link to understand more and understand how you can help.
- Current Policy News and Alerts – Stay informed and up-to-date on critical policy issues affecting people with mental illness.
- Issues Spotlight – Find out more about the public policy issues affecting people with mental illnesses and take action to make your voice heard on these issues.
Michigan Government Links: Connects you to your local government legislature where you will be able to find your representatives in the House and Senate in addition to bills that have been introduced and bills that are being introduced.
- – The Offical State of Michigan Website
- Michigan Legislature
- Michigan House of Representative
- Michigan Senate
How can you advocate for mental illness?
- Become a member of an advocacy group like NAMI.
- Volunteer some of your time
- Keep EDUCATED and up to date on mental illness
- Become a Stigma Buster
- Make donations to advocacy groups like NAMI.
- Participate in mental illness events such as NAMI Walks
- Attend NAMI General meetings to keep abreast of current issues
Write your legislator and tell him/her how you feel about mental health issues coming before the legislature.